Africap, one of the first Africa-specific private equity funds in the United States, has been investing across Sub-Saharan Africa since 1999.


Our Mission

Africap is a leading private equity fund established with the primary purpose of creating long-term value for investors through small and midsize enterprises in Africa. We focus on Impact Investment across a range of industries including natural gas production, healthcare, insurance, QSR’s, hotels, mining, logistics, real estate, and technology where financial performance and societal impact are intrinsically aligned. These investments are made either directly or through a joint venture arrangement with strategic partners seeking to foster Economic Development. Our efforts and capital have grown thousands of jobs and supported local economies across the African continent.

A man cannot sit down alone to plan for prosperity.
— African Proverb

What We've Achieved

  • 23 Years of Operation

  • Thousands of Sustainable Jobs Created

  • 4 Public Companies

  • 9 Separate Industries Invested

  • Investment Exposure to 10 sub-Saharan Africa Countries